High School Students

Welcome or welcome back to Just Serve!

This section of the website is for Seattle high school students and their parents or guardians.

We hope you decide to join Just Serve. In our 1st year we had over 15 Seattle high school students join us at our social justice and service events. 8 of those students spent 30-60 hours with Just Serve in 2012. This is the feedback we got from them...

"To me, Just Serve is a way to help give back to my community in all different ways with a group of dedicated people. My favorite parts were the retreats because that was a time where we could sit and reflect on everything...but I also like actually going out and helping. I loved meeting new people."


"Just Serve means I have I have a place to become closer to my community as well as new experiences I may not have encountered, making me a better person as well as worker within my community."

One of our parents commented on the programs impact...

"Thanks for lighting a spark in my daughter that grew into a flame of caring for justice"

The Seattle Public Schools requires that all students complete 60 service-learning hours to graduate. All Just Serve programming counts towards those hours!

If you have any questions please call or email us 415-857-3783 sujustserve@gmail.com

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